Utilities for controlling the border width between elements.
The divide width scale inherits its values from the borderWidth
scale by default, so if you'd like to customize your values for both border width and divide width together, use the theme.borderWidth
section of your windi.config.js
export default {
theme: {
borderWidth: {
DEFAULT: '1px',
0: '0',
2: '2px',
3: '3px',
4: '4px',
6: '6px',
8: '8px',
To customize only the divide width values, use the theme.divideWidth section of your windi.config.js file.
export default {
theme: {
divideWidth: {
DEFAULT: '1px',
0: '0',
2: '2px',
3: '3px',
4: '4px',
6: '6px',
8: '8px',
Utilities for controlling the border color between elements.
export default {
theme: {
divideColor: theme => ({
primary: '#3490dc',
secondary: '#ffed4a',
danger: '#e3342f',
Utilities for controlling the opacity borders between elements.
export default {
theme: {
extend: {
divideOpacity: {
10: '0.1',
20: '0.2',
95: '0.95',
Utilities for controlling the border style between elements.